Sarah and Brad at Castle Hill in Newport Part One

Posted By Melissa
Sarah and Brad might have had one of the best days of the summer for their beautiful wedding at Castle Hill. The temp was perfect, the sky was blue. Really a perfect day in Newport.

A little bubbly to start the celebration

Sarah's shoes...

Beautiful cascading orchids from Sayles Livingston! Sort of a challenge to photograph, but I worked it out!

Bridesmaid Bouquets.

This is Stella, Sarah's niece and flower girl. She is so cute!

Sarah gave all the bridesmaids some extremely stylish flip flops and earrings. She handmade each girl a cute little card. Sarah used lots of beautiful papers in her wedding decor as well.

Having fun putting the dress on...


Obviously I can't get enough of this veil.

When the guys arrived I ran down to do some photos of them. I LOVE the ties!

Here's the handsome groom. He's smiling like that because I was telling him how beautiful Sarah looked.

I love this picture! Good job, Guys! The girls were peaking at them while I was taking this shot.

We added the Dads in for this one.

One of my favorites of the day...

Have to have at least one sassy bridal portrait

Someone delivered a note from Brad. How cute that it is all typed up? He definitely put some thought into this letter. Sarah was trying very had not to cry.

She tried hard, but the tears won.

Ceremony site, So pretty! Sayles does amazing work.

Can you stand it?

Father and daughter sharing a moment before they head down the aisle

See what I mean about it being a beautiful day?

Classic Castle Hill! Such a beautiful place to get married.

The flower pedals in the aisle is always a nice touch and great for photos!

Mr and Mrs! I love how happy they look!

So sweet!

Stay tuned for the formals, reception details AND some fun dancing shots in part 2 tomorrow!

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