The Raspallo Family... Take 3!

Posted by Mariah:

Meet Michael, newest member of the very cute Raspallo clan. I photographed his mom and dad many moons ago.... not sure quite how many years it's been 7, 8? Something like that... anyway, I also photographed his two older brothers when they turned one. I was pretty excited to meet Michael and photograph his sweet little face too. He did not disappoint!

We met in Cranston (Pawtuxet actually) at a very pretty little cove Trish told me about. it was perfect for Michael because he isn't quite down with walking on his own yet.

I bet any day he'll be zooming around though!

Look how he's looking at me, I think he likes me!

Love the hair do.

Playing shy all of a sudden...

So sweet.

I love this photo, it makes me want to nuzzle his neck. Babies smell so good

This is a miracle, plain and simple. Everyone is looking at the camera, eyes open and smiling. I achieved this photo with luck not talent.

The swan is even cooperating.

Mommy and baby.

I am insane for this photo. I think all their little personalities are really coming though.

This is Thomas, he's five. He's totally sweet, good to his baby brother and entering kindergarten in the fall!

This is James, he's three. He is not as much of an open book as Thomas. He's a little more intense and trying really hard to keep up with his older brother. He has gorgeous blue eyes.

Watch out world, here comes Michael!!!

Thanks again guys, you know I love to keep up with the Raspallo antics!

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