Emily and Joaquin at the Villiage Inn in Narragansett Part.1

Posted by Melissa:

Woo Hoo! The 14th of August! Emily and Joaquin are getting married! Lisa and I were lucky enough to be there. Lisa took this shot of Emily's fun little calendar for the wedding week. I thought it was funny that Emily snuck in a dentist appointment on Wednesday!

The dress...

The shoes...

The bling...

Emily is a DIY bride! When she was telling me all the things we did all by herself the list went on and on! I don't know how these girls do it! One of the many things on the list was these beautiful invites. Good job, Emily!

Here's Emily! I didn't even recognize her with her hair all straightened out and highlighted! She looked so beautiful!

Time to get the dress on

Love those highlights!

Nervous hands...

Lisa shot...


Off to take some photos

I told you she looked amazing!

Another wonderful job by Sayles Livingston

Lisa ran ahead to take some shots of the ceremony details all made by Emily!

More of Emily's handy work

The guys before the ceremony. You may be wondering why Joaquin's Brother (on the far left) isn't looking at the camera. Well, I'm still trying to figure it out. He would not look at the camera. Maybe it was me. I don't know!

Love the different color bridesmaid dresses.

Ready to make the big entrance! This is such a great church! I love it!!!

The big moment!

I call Emily a Chatty Cathy. Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed. When it was time to say their vows she pulled out the biggest piece of paper ever. The whole church erupted in laughter including me!

Husband and Wife

I love this shot after right after the ceremony!

The shingles! I've been so excited to go to this church because I became obsessed with the shingles! Love them!!!

Did I mention that I love this church?

Seriously? Can everyone get married here?

Stay tuned for more formals and reception fun in Part 2!
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