Jillian and John's Photodate at the Crescent Park Carousel

Posted by Trish:

So much to my delight, the weather finally panned out for us to get together and do these photos! We had scheduled and re-scheduled this photodate about 4 times due to crappola weather...

We met at Crescent Park in East Providence, such a cute place!

How can you go wrong with a vintage carousel?!

I got these shots before it started as things that go around fast or even slow do not agree with me! It actually started up and I jumped off...

I got this gun 'artsy' shot while waiting for them to finish the ride, it really go at a pretty good clip!

The carousel has been beautifully restored.

It really brings you back in time, at one time this was a big amusement park with a wooden roller coaster.

I believe that either Jillian's parents or grandparents worked here when they were teenagers, cute!

John was really trying to work the poses, he wanted to get it 'right', well done John!

And of course there is something romantic about an old timey carousel, this is probably where all of the 'kids' used to come...

OK, so back to 2009...One reason we had to keep rescheduling was that I pictured a sunny summer evening, grey skies just wouldn't do!


I HAD to get these photos with some sun flare! and I did! I think they thought I was a little kooky here. Well they're right so it's all good.

So romantic and sweet.

Do they kind of look alike??? That happens you know.

Then they were nice enough to indulge me for some action shots, some skipping and running of course.

There is also this little tiny not overly glamorous beach down some stairs, but we totally worked it...

You'd never know that they weren't in some exotic locale.

I love the motion in this one, very ethereal too.

There was also this big tree that had fallen over onto the sand and it was fantastic for photos!

I don't remember what they were laughing about, but I was just enjoying the lines and composition here...

Nothing like that evening light, yummy!

Look at this beautiful diamond that washed ashore, Jillian grabbed it first or else I totally would have taken it for myself.

Just before this shot I had declared it 'a wrap'...but then I saw this wall and why not do a few more .

They are just cute as buttons! And good posers too!

Glad we finally got it together for this shoot, I'll look forward to seeing you next summer for your wedding. How the clam cakes were delish! -Trish
Fashion Fashion