Snap! Rewind... The Snappers!

We hope you've all enjoyed our Snap! Rewind Posts. I'm sad to say that this will be the last in the series of rewinds, (for this year anyway!)

I thought I'd end the fun with... the "Best of The Snappers in Action!"

Rumor has it that Melissa was taking this photo first and then Trish muscled in...

Here's Melissa sparkling it up.

Here I am man-handling the bride. No, just giving Sarah a little helping hand with her train.

P.S. That reminds me... major photo pet peeve: when the limo driver holds the brides train all balled up in his hands and then stands behind her in all the photos before she walks down the aisle. Hmmph.

Trish with Anne and Tony during their engagement session in Southie. Trish's bum looks wicked pissa in this photo, that's why I included it. Never can have enough nice bum photos right?

Creepy peepy Melissa with Lindsay and Scott.

Yours truly with Eileen.

In this photo a nun is yelling at Trish... just kidding, I don't know why she looks so scared.

Green Acres is the place to be... farm living is the life for me!

Here's me with Jessica and Phil in March! Brrr!


Good hair day though.

Melissa loves it when I take her photo, don't you Melissa?

This is my move. I love to lay on the ground.

I could do a whole blog post of just my lying down photos.

Trishy working the room.

I love this pretty photo of Melissa.

Me and Trish at Lesley and Brett's wedding.

I am being creepy and peepy here, but how about that guy in the back? Even creepier and peepier than me!

Our first wedding of 2009 and a major blizzard.

No, no Melissa... sit down- don't tire yourself out. I'm sure that angle is fine.

Right after this photo I kicked the camera perched on the ledge off the wall and into the sand.

That was sad. And stupid.

Trish loves veils. It's a fetish.

It's a dirty job and luckily Melissa has to do it.

S for super snapper.

Trish and the ladies at Leanne's wedding.

Melissa and the ladies at Kate's wedding.

This photo cracks me up. Not sure what I am doing here, but I like practicing this face in the mirror, it's funny. And stupid.

Giant Trish or really small Fenway?

I am taking a power nap in the photolounge. Trish's husband Jim is making sure that Melissa and I behave ourselves.

What if I had dropped my camera on Melissa's head? I am always nervous I am going to fall over the balcony and ruin the ceremony by breaking my head open.

Me and the guys at Julie and John's wedding.

Here's Trish bossing around Lori and Mike.

Melissa with flowers!

Me with Heidi and Josh, how romantical.

Is Trish looking up Jodi's dress here?

Funniest dancing photos ever. Melissa cutting a rug with our friend Dave.


Trish with Maureen and Tim.

Good times!

Well girls, we did it! 2009 was our best year yet. We are so lucky to have such fun and fulfilling jobs. I am grateful every day for our business and to have you both in my life. Thank You!

Now, Get Back To Work!- the President.

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