A Moment with Melissa

Looks like I have some competition...

My Uncle got my daughter, Zoe, her first camera for Christmas. It is a Fisher Price Kids Tough Camera. I wish I could take credit for buying her this because it's changed her life! She loves to take pictures! I don't know where she got that from!

Here she is doing some different angles for more creative compositions! She's even doing a slanted angle!

Here is some of her art work...

Something she never sees! Mommy taking a picture of her!

She's getting her revenge though. Zoe has taken so many pictures of me in the last month! I finally know how she feels. She's also been telling me to make certain faces and poses. Total blackmail material...

My husband, Miles, is also getting his fair share of camera time. He is Zoe's muse.

When Zoe was about 18 months old she named her feet, Janice and Floyd. It has remained that way ever since. Instead of saying "That shoe goes on your right foot" I have to say "Put this shoe on Janice." Anyway, before she snapped this picture she said "I'm going to take a picture of Janice and Floyd."

We call this her dinner series...

The best part about this camera is being able to see things through Zoe's eyes. She walks around the house carefully looking at everything. It's just so much fun to see what she chooses to take a picture of.

Here is her self portrait.

If you have a three year old in your life buy them this camera! I love it! The only problem with it is the flash only goes off half of the time. Besides that it is so easy to use. Any kid in your life will love it!
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