Dish with Trish No.4

So when you think baby shower you think brunch...and a drag show, of course!!! My very dear friends Molly and Stephen are expecting their first baby in a few weeks, so we all gathered to celebrate and shower her with lots of baby crap! But she's not a traditional girl, so a non-traditional shower was in order. I think this fit the bill! As usual I was snapping away and thought it would be fun to share with ya'll here on the blog, it's just too good not to!

The DownCity Diner has this show a few times a month and it is such a blast! You must check it out if you find yourself in Providence on a weekend...or go for dinner any night of the week. It's next door to the new Hampton Inn right in the middle of down town Providence.

Molly and the ladies. She fell and broke her hand recently at work, so it was pretty sad to watch her trying to open gifts, not to mention that she had to wear that cast!

They found the 'Swaddle Me' blanket particualry hilarious...

Of course I made a scrapbook. The book is done except for the photos of course, they will take a photo of the baby with the sock monkey once a month and then just pop the photo into the spaces provided and then wa la! they have baby's first year album done. I love making albums as gifts! I also love the idea of seeing the baby get bigger in the photos with the same thing over the years. I wish I had done that with Isaac...but the cobbler's shoes need fixing as they say.

Molly's Dad and Stephen join the party at the tail end as they were instructed to arrive late and load the car with gifts...after being part of the entertainment for a bit of course!

The Ladies did a combo of funny banter with the brunch goers and a few singing numbers, very entertaining! They work really hard, and I would imagine their feet are aching like crazy at the end of the 2 shows! Lucite heals are NOT a girls best friend! And everyone knows that babies love drag shows too!

So if you get the chance be sure to check out their show at DownCity! The restaurant is open 7 days a week and they have great food and a fabulous atmostphere, run don't walk!

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