Mariah and Don - Elopement on Block Island!

Posted by Trish: A few months ago Don and Mariah decided to get hitched. They started to think about the who, when and where of their impending marriage. There was some talk about going to the Caribbean but Block Island really was the place to do it for two reasons...One, they vacation there every year for one week at the end of June and they absolutely love it there and it's a special place for them. Two, if they did it on Block Island then I could go and take the photos. Hello! We can't very well have the wedding photographer get married and not have every angle covered can we? No. So Block Island it was, with just their kids, and of course the photographer!

We hatched a plan to stick shells on everything. I widdled this starfish thingy for Vianne to carry, she was pretty excited.

This is the song that Vianne wrote the night before to sing at the wedding...

It was kind of surreal photographing Mariah's rings, something I do all the time. Her ring is like a branch, it's very cool! Don got a nice titanium 'man ring'.

If you have never been to Block Island you should go. It's a very relaxed place, not overdeveloped or ruined by progress. We stayed at the Sea breeze Inn up on the hill and the view was amazing! We overlooked lots of green and a pond and then the ocean.

I had seen these shoes at Clark's and told Mariah that she had to have them, of course she agreed!

This is Don's daughter Emily, helping Mariah get ready.

Wow, doesn't she look so pretty?! Her dress was so perfect. So she is holding a branch that Don found and she glued shells all over it and we added a ribbon...wala! A sea side bouquet.

Aw, here she comes. This is the porch overlooking the water, so awesome! She's off to see Donny...

We are always begging our brides to do a first meeting before the ceremony so we can be sure to have enough time for photos, just so you know we practice what we preach!

Are they cute or what??? So happy! And how fabulous is this backdrop, the weather was crazy, windy and super humid, luckily it was kind of warmish.

Here's the whole framly.

Mariah with her babies, they are 11 and 7. Mariah and Don surprised them by telling them about the wedding on the ferry ride over to the island, they were totally excited!

What a beautiful Block Island bride!

Here's my Isaac in is wedding outfit. He actually really loves white shirts. He spent a lot of time picking flowers(and grasses) for everyone.

They decided to do the ceremony on the little lawn outside the room at the inn, it was perfect. The original plan was to go to the beach but the wind was too much there, this spot was a bit protected and it had a killer view!

THe whole ceremony was a real tear-jerker to say the least! First Mariah said a few words to the kids and got the crying started.

Then it was Don's turn to say a few words and forget it! We were all bawling our eyes out. He had a hard time getting the words out but eventually did and it was beautiful. All of this was totally predicted by Mariah way before the wedding.

Here's Don hugging Jacques after saying such nice things to him about how great a life they will all have together.

...and Vianne. This was so sweet to witness, I wish I could remember every word that was said. But you can feel the sentiment in this photo, so I think that will be good enough.

Now for the official vows. Mariah you are getting married here, WHAT!?!?! I was so excited to be there and see it for myself, still very surreal though!

Sealing it with a kiss, so as to gross out the kids!

What a happy moment!

Jacque said a few words too, about how happy he was that Don would officially be his step-dad now. It was a very clear and mature little speech he gave, well done!

I hung these extra shells in the little garden for some added shell decor. Much like bling, you can also never have too many shells.

OK, then the sun came out and there was this crazy blue sky, where did that come from? Not that we were complaining, I guess it was just a sign that all things were right in the world.

Here's my second shooter, Jacques taking a few snaps of the newlyweds. Not bad! We have a job waiting here for you when you are old enough...

And here are the infamous Snap! girls...we were having so much fun! I'm trying really hard not to comment about my crazy hair that was cut too short a few days earlier and about the humidity that wouldn't quit.

Oh yeah! Married.

Aww, nuzzling is awesome. Especially when it's with your new husband on Block Island in the sunshine while drinking champagne and taking photos.

This photos is a little homage to what brought Mariah and Don together, music and photography. Don used to play in a band, they went to Mariah's studio for a group photo and the rest is history. Well, it did take Don two weeks of pacing and nail biting before he called her for a date, but luckily he finally did.

Hey, I'm just realizing now that we didn't get and songs from Don on the eukalale, what gives? I'm so bossy, I'm surprised that I didn't think to make him sing and play for us.

Spectacualr! We both commented on doing a photo in that doorway when we got there. um yes, bridal portrait on the orange door. The greenwery is what really sells it though, so great!

Then we were off to the beach for some more photo fun. Mariah picked up Block Island sweatshirts for everyone earlier that day, how cute?!

As you can see Isaac was totally psyched to be wearig his Block Island sweatshirt that I paid $25 for!!! Why did I do that? He's never cold.

He and Vianne had THE BEST time playing, it was sad because Isaac didn't know that we were only there for a short time, he was ready to play for hours. He's insane for the beach.

Here's Emily and her beau Jay being very adorable together...

And here is Ian and his friend Kim, rocking the BI sweatshorts of course! Unlike Isaac they behaved and wore their sweatshorts for the photos.

You have to have a jumping photo! It's fun!

Whoa, here they come! Don looks crazed for sure!

Here is yours truly with my guys, Jim and Isaac. I think I told Isaac he could buy a toy if he smiled for the photo. Whatever it takes. He actually forgot the next day thgouh.

It was so breezy and warm and humid, the light at the beach was fantastic too. I was getting really lucky here! More kissing...

You also have to have the walking on the beach photo, it's a classic!


Here they are being romantical amongst the grasses while sitting int he sand dune...

Now for dinner, we were all hungry! I stuck shells on this candle holder....

We had a lot of laughs....

Mariah and Don had a lot of lobster! Mariah says this is her favorite food, she was pretty exited for this...

I went outside with the kids after dinner, more amazing light! There's the ferry.

You often find these little stacks of rocks, there is something so calming about them.

What a beautiful end to a perfectly amazing and happy day!

Congratulations Mariah and Don! I know you will have a wonderful future filled with lots of love and happiness...and I will be there to take pictures of it all!
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