Gillian and Matt at Castle Hill in Newport, Part Two

Here we are back for the rest of Gillian and Matt, they had lots of sunflowers which really brightened up the day! This was John's idea to shoot the rings right on the flower. Hmmm, I hope didn't he take it from an arrangement off one of the tables? That would be wrong!

Woooo, windy! It was kind of an adventure for everyone going out to the ceremony.

I'm always up for an adventure, but more importantly Gillian was happy to be having the ceremony outside!

Hold on tight!

It actually makes for some great photos when it's overcast like this. On a sunny day you would never get that nice blue water or the Newport Bridge in the background.

Even more official now! There was a lot of kissing going on with these two. Matt's not wasting a minute here!

The periwinkle blue and yellow sunflowers were a striking combo.

These were so very bright and cheery on such a grey day.

What a sharp looking cake! The humidity was making it a little dewey, but whatever, cake is yummy!

So is candy!

and Sushi, if you like that kind of thing. I'm not a fan, besides it doesn't even have sugar on it!

Just a little windy day detail of the grasses that were blowing sideways, so pretty!

More cakey goodness.

They had a very romantic first dance. I like how Matt is really holding onto her there. More great moves from Matt!

Cute! look how her earring is moving, this was an action shot.

And a little twirling for good luck, was was that about moves?

I always love the expressions people have during the hora chair lift. I think most people feel like they are going to fall off and crash to the ground, it must be scary bouncing around up there!

See what I mean?! But then again Matt's Dad looks totally relaxed, not to mention happy!

A lovely toast by Gillian's parents...

More kissing, you really can't have too much!

Gillian and Matt listening to a friends toast about the night they met.

Gillian might have a career in hand modeling, look at that hand movement, awesome!

Dancing with Dad.

and with Mom.

John stayed for the last hour to get all of these great dancing shots, fun!

Ah, sitting down probably feels pretty good right about now!

Thanks for a fun day! For the family and friends, please sign up on Pictage if you would like to receive and email when all of the their photos are ready to see online.
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