Charlene and Ryan at Indian Pond Country Club Part 1

Posted by Mariah:

Welcome to the very colorful, very fun, and very rainy wedding of Charlene and Ryan. Nothing could dampen the fantastic vibe of this day... Charlene was radiant and the mood was contagious! Charlene you are so gorgeous and such a pleasure to photograph. You don't have a bad angle!

Ryan- not too shabby either. I like your handsome man posing. Melissa got this shot and told Ryan he should look "reflective." I think he nailed it!

A quick photo on the bell hop's cart before we head out into the wild weather...

Charlene's mom helping her to the van... time to see that handsome groom!

I LOVE the first meeting! Melissa got this great angle of Ryan walking in to meet Charlene.

We had the lovely Lisa Frechette on hand as a third shooter- she took this shot of Charlene's reaction to seeing Ryan in his tux. So cute!

...and this was my view- can't have enough snapping! This was a very emotional meeting. We all got teared up!

So happy!

After their meeting... the parents were invited in for a traditional tea ceremony. I set up this little photo of the bride and groom with their parents- I am insane for it. If it was me, I would hang a giant canvas print in my house.... but that's just me. Doesn't get much more classic.

Charlene and the ladies...

Ryan and the men... Melissa and I agree this is our new fav pose for the guys.

Okay, no I did not trip and land on my face... although that has been known to happen. What I am actually doing is taking a shot of the fab footwear of Charlene and Ryan. Sometimes you just have to get a little down and dirty for the right angle- know what I am saying? Maybe that didn't come out right.... Thank you Melissa for this memorable snap-out take!

...and here's my photo! Worth the carpet lint on my blazer for sure!

Indian Pond has gorgeous grounds which Charlene was very excited about using... here's the thing though- we NEVER would have done this pic if it was a sunny day. Sometimes foul weather is a blessing in disguise because you have to be a little more creative. Dare I say this is a better photo then the bridal party lined up on the golfcourse? I do dare!


Melissa's shot- and idea.

My shot- isn't Charlene the prettiest?

Something a little more dramatic- thanks for rocking out that lighting Melissa!

I love this photo of Ryan. In fact, after I took it I said- wow that's hot! I never use that expression- Melissa thought it was pretty funny- but I think it's an acurate description.

...A little break in the weather so we ran outside...

Charlene coordianted everything... right down to her pink umbrella.

I call this one... "two dads in tuxes" (and they'd like to do a little number for you).

Inside or outside? Both!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the ceremony and the reception!
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