Snap!-cam visits D.C. with Nicholas and Allison

So not only are these guys super cute, but they will be on the blog next week too because their wedding is this weekend!!!!

This is actually our second attempt at the snap-cam with them. The first camera came back with no photos on the card which was very sad because they did some cute things. But luckily they were being cute again for some more great pix!

This is the building where Nicholas works, he is a curator for the Smithsonian's Renwick Gallery, this is an example of French second Empire architecture. Not a bad place to go to work everyday!

Here is the view from the office, they had great seats for the inauguration!

For the weekend they were off to the U of Delaware because Nicholas was speaking at a symposium at Winterthur. This also happens to be the very place that these two first met!

Then off to Longwood Gardens for a belated birthday for Allison. This is a Dupont Estate just over the border of Pennsylvania, a favorite of Allison's. Apparently she is quite knowledgeable about all things flowers!

Here she is modeling what a magnolia in her hair might look like, we'll find out this weekend! Although that one will probably not be attached to a tree, at least I hope not...

Nicholas in the conservatory...Or was is Allison in the library with a candlestick?

Enjoying the topiaries...risking life and limb for a funny shot! That's what I like to see. Wait til you see what I make you do on the wedding day Nicholas...

Just relaxing after a long day of fun...aww.

Before they left Nicholas had to stop by his favorite car wash to get the ride ready for the drive up to Newport this week. You can't transport your bride in a dirty car!

They finally came home to find Blue the cat ready for some serious belly rubbing.

Last but not least is the battle of the harmless animal mascots. Delaware is the Fighting Blue Hen and Maryland is the Terrapin Turtle and I guess you should just know to be afraid of it! So since they went to U Delaware and now Allison works at U Maryland it only seems natural that there should be a fight between the two 'feared' animals to see which one is tougher. Nicholas and his Dad have gotten such a kick out of this so they bought them some t-shirts to make it official.

Thanks for taking us all along on your weekend getaway. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend for the big day! See you then...

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