Samantha and Mike at the Naragansett Towers Part 2

Posted by Mariah

Our first photo stop after the ceremony is this beautiful field right off the main road a few miles from the Towers. I thought it would be nice place for the family pictures. It's one of our favorites spots, we've used it a few times... but it always looks different. Today, the sun was in just the right spot, and if there were leaves on the trees, you'd think it was summer.
Sam was just standing in this spot being her beautiful self...
Sam and Mike have REALLY nice families... everyone was so great and cooperative for photos. I tried to joke with Mike a little about cutting his baby sister some slack... Rachel has three older brothers! She tells me they can be a little over protective (I think that's putting it mildly). Anyway Mike did not appreciate my advice and says it's just his job to be breathing down Rachel's neck... sorry Rachel, I tried. And guys... you have your work cut out for you because Rachel is hot stuff- good luck!
P.S. I'd like to add that Mike's two brothers are single and looking for love (ha-ha)... so apparently it's okay for them, but not for baby sister...

Our newest snapper, Marisa took this great shot of Mike and Sam. I'm so proud!

My view...

Marisa is on a roll... she took this cute pic too.

One of my favorites of the day, just love everything about it.

Sassy ladies.

That's the Towers in the background...

I love the beach at this time of year.

Sam doesn't like the posed shots of people kissing through the veil (neither do I- it's a little cheesy) but this is pretty cute and spontaneous.

Gotta love me some sun flare right?

That's it for today... tomorrow I'll post all of Melissa's beautiful detail shots from the reception- she was busy snapping those while Marissa and I shot the formals. Also, lots of fun reception pics to post too, so stay tuned...

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