Snap Cam is swept away to Michelle and Mark

The snap cam is back from its visit with Michelle and Mark.

It arrived just in time! Michelle's mom was visiting for a fun filled weekend of wedding planning!

The first photos were of Mark and this cuddly dog, Cotton. Michelle mentioned that Mark doesn't like cameras so I'm not going to torture him. I want to get on his good side since I will be in front of him with my huge camera someday.
Mark may not like to have his photo taken but he was still in on the snap cam antics. He wanted to make sure Michelle documented the exciting things that she does... Statistics for hours and hours!!!

Michelle is working on her Master's thesis. She told me - and I quote - "I am studying the invasive reed, Phragmites australis, and am looking at the effects of nutrient additions on invasiveness". I think she might be smart...

While Mark wanted to take photos of stats Michelle wanted a ring shot!

Off for a morning stroll with Cotton

Michelle claims she is not a plant person, but she took an awful lot of plant photos. What made her take so many flower photos then? Since Michelle said it so nicely I'll quote her again.
"Amusingly enough I'm not a plant person. Rather it is the potential of spring that gets me... There is a potential ready to be expressed, ready to burst forth... Soon the world will be busy. But for now we are holding our breath in anticipation"

Isn't she lovely? Well said, Michelle.
I think this photo perfectly illustrates what Michelle said. I love this picture! It's a magnolia starting to bloom.

Here's Michelle's cutie pie nephew!

Off to the florists, Lynda Sutton! Here's Michelle's mom holding one of the nautilus shells Michelle and Mark will be using for the unity sand ceremony. Now if they can figure how to keep them standing throughout the ceremony!

Here are some pics of Michelle's parents' summer home in Jamestown. I'm guessing this is where Michelle's love of the ocean started. It will also be the location of the "rehearsal lunch" and our photodate next month. I can't wait to see it when it's warmer and in top form!

Last stop - the Conanicut Yacht Club to check in on the post wedding brunch! Whew!

Thanks for this little peak into your life! Happy wedding planning!
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