Lisa + Jim at the Red Lion Inn, Cohasset MA

Posted by Mariah, Photos by Mariah and Sarah:

Is it good luck when it rains on your wedding day? Well intentioned yet annoying people are always quick to rush in with that little gem...
Answer... no it is not good luck, when it rains it really sucks!
That being said, what are you going to do about it?
Sit around and sulk? Cry? Maybe some...
but not Lisa!

I was happy to find that Lisa was chipper despite the gloomy skies. She wasn't going to let a little rain dampen her fun. She had all of these fun vintage-y accents for her rustic, vintage inspired wedding. The cameo was her grandmothers and kind of the inspiration that she worked from.

Not vintage, but definitely cool...

So gorgeous! Lisa's dress was dreamy.

Meanwhile, Sarah is getting this killer shot of the rings as well as a few candid pictures of Jim and his brother.

Is it clearing up?

Jim waiting downstairs for the big moment when we get to see Lisa- we've decided to take our chances and try to get some photos done before the ceremony (after all it's just sprinkling at the moment).

I think Jim likes what he sees!

After Lisa and Jim saw each other,t immediately started to pour... thanks nature.
Our photo plans were scrapped and we went straight to the church.

Another inspiration for Lisa was these silhouettes. She discovered that she and Jim had both had there silhouettes done as kids... how funny! No one really does that anymore but it used to be really big. I think it's kind of cool.

After a long wait on the trolley, it's finally time for the ceremony.

Love this one, and love the back of Lisa's dress.

Lisa's expressions are so cute in these two shots...

Are we boring you? Don't worry it's all most over!

See? Ta-da! Fun shot from Sarah who was perched in the balcony. Lisa is cascading down the aisle with her husband!

You guessed it ... pouring again!

This is the window in the trolley where I was sitting. After I took this shot Lisa asked me if we could still go to the beach.
Hmmmm... sure! why not!
Slightly soggy but still fabulous beach photos coming up next!

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