Jen + Greg at St. Clements Castle, CT... Part 1

Posted by Mariah: Photos by Mariah and Trish

This wedding was a real tear jerker/ love fest! Which of course, is my favorite kind. It was full of surprises and firsts. Trish and I headed to CT to Greg's parents home where he and Jen were planning on seeing each other before the ceremony. But first, a few photos separately.

Sunny summery sunflowers and blue hydrangeas- just perfect for a July wedding.

Here's our adorable groom Greg, one of the sweetest guys you'd ever meet. His mom did a really good job raising him!

They might look like trouble, but actually they are all sweethearts.

Fun photo by Trish before heading over to the girls...

Meanwhile, Jen is about to slip into her dress...


Hello gorgeous!

This is where things get interesting... Greg is Polish and by Polish custom he must barter his way past the waiting uncles so that he can see and eventually marry the bride! These guys are tough nuts to crack, they won't even entertain the thought of allowing Greg to pass with a mere 3 or 4 bottles of vodka! In the end it takes 15 bottles of vodka to secure Greg's passing and entrance to the house! I love that last pic!

In the meantime, Jen can watch the whole exchange from a window upstairs.

Jen's dad sees her for the first time... I like how he decides to take a picture first!

Greg makes it around the uncles and heads up to the house with the bestman.

He's not done yet Jen's parents decide to have a word with him.

Okay, finally he is in position to see Jen and he asks her... "Will you come down?"

Her response from upstairs..."What's it worth to you?" Sassy!

Greg's answer... "Everything I have!" Good answer!
This was clue number one that Greg is secretly Mr. Smooth... but more of that later...

SO worth the wait... and the vodka.

Romantical! (with 40 relatives looking on- got to love the big families!)

Next the tears begin to flow when Greg's mom offers the couple a blessing.

Jen's dad is next and his words of wisdom are, "The most important things you can give your children are roots and wings." Okay, now I am crying again.

Despite the rain drops we take a little stroll before heading to the church.

Mr. Smooth is totally working it for us here- romantic outdoor photos? Check!

How cute are they?

Surprise! Jen and Greg used one of their photodate pics on the program- Love it!

Anxiously awaiting the processional- thanks Trish for this beautiful photo.

My view...

Such a sweet couple.


No shortage of smooches with these guys!
Up next, our first ever trip to St.Clement's Castle...a gorgeous venue in CT.
Venue: St. Clement's Castle
Florist: Marzi Florist
Invite and programs: Emily Grace Designs

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