Lisa and Matt at Castle Hill, Part Two

Posted by Mariah:

The sun may have finally set on Lisa and Matt's beautiful day... but the fun is far from over, actually... things are just getting started. Time to get officially married. Tony Ormonde transformed the tent with festive lighting.

Our ring bearer is keeping an eye on the guests who are starting to arrive.

Lisa and Matt signing their ketubah. Such an exciting moment, they are actually married once they sign this document!

So sweet.

And now the formal ceremony...

How dreamy is this tent... who cares that it's windy and cold outside!

I do's.

Lisa and Matt checking out the tent decor during the cocktail hour.

Another beautiful job by Stoneblossom.

Love this cake!

So do Lisa and Matt! I think they approve of all the gorgeous decor. All the painstaking planning has paid off!

Some brave little snapper went out into the cold evening for this shot.

Intros... the new Mr. and Mrs.

Taking a spin around the dance floor.

They look like professionals!

Hora time!

Not sure how Lisa feels about this...

Such a brave girl... luckily no one was hurt during this frenzy!

In love and glad she made it out alive!

Our fearless leaders, Nancy and Rick of Castle Hill. Lisa and Matt were their last wedding of the season! You made it guys- and it was an EXCELLENT season! Nancy, thank you for all the wonderful referrals and your constant smile- Rick, thank you for all the vegetarian meals (we are hungry little snappers)... and for all your help during the events. You guys are the BEST!

An excellent toast from the best man.

Yum! Lisa likes it!

Matt and his mom having a moment on the dance floor. Every time I photograph a mother/ son dance I think about having my big moment with my son.... sigh.

And now for the grand finale.... Matt sings to Lisa!

She is surprised and amazed!

Lisa is just the kind of girl who inspires this level of romance!

Matt, you may have missed your calling... the rock star always gets the girl anyway! Congratulations you two!!!!

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