Eileen and Doug in Plymouth MA, Part One

Posted by Mariah:

Eileen, Doug and I literally scheduled and rescheduled their engagement session six times. Why? The rain, of course. I thought for sure that they would have a sunny day considering all the rainy cancellations. Boy, was I wrong. It rained again. When I arrived at Eileen's I asked her how she was doing and she replied, "Oh, I'm fine... Doug and I have just decided that we are the rain people!" And for the rest of the day Eileen was all the sunshine we needed! I was so proud of her positive attitude. She wasn't going to let a little water stop her from having the best day of her life!
She had an absolutely gorgeous & unique dress, so that helps!

So sparkly.

Well... almost anyway!

The lovely invites, which I am told that Doug picked out!

Meet Luna... the second love of Doug's life. She is the sweetest puppy ever. She's staring at a platter of sandwiches here.

Miss Robin McAloon was on hand for beautification.

So pretty! Quite a canvas to work on!

Moi, showing the Eileen's nieces how cute they look...

Eileen's bouquet was so sassy with feathers.

Purple orchids for the ladies.

Time to get dressed, Doug will be arriving soon!

Luna is keeping an eye on the door.

Getting dressed with a little help from Eileen's sister.

Love the ruffly bottom of Eileen's dress.

Eileen is hot stuff- she ran the Boston Marathon this year!

We've been informed that Doug is downstairs waiting to see Eileen... yeah!
I'll scoot downstairs to get him into position while Eileen waits (a little nervous I think).

A greeting from Luna too.

I had my fabulous friend Sarah on hand second shooting for me. She got these next two photos and I LOVE them! I am especially crazy for Eileen's expression in the second shot.

My view...Eileen is stunning from the back too.
P.S. Doug you are very cute too- don't want you to feel left out or anything!

Stay tuned tomorrow for our formal photos and the ceremony!
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