Leanne and Ted at Rosecliff, Part Two

Posted by Mariah:

To think we almost bagged this second location! We had so much fun in the foliage that we thought we might not need another locale... plus the wind was picking up... plus it was getting dark... plus we were running out of time...
Should we do it?
Of course we should!

I thought it would be kind of a shame for Leanne and Ted not to have a little Newport - ocean action in their backgrounds. Luckily, they agreed.

I smell panorama!!! Trish took this amazing photo. Talk about dramatic.

A few more quick shots of Leanne before we are blown away!

Time to head back to Rosecliff...

It's starting to rain again but we manage to squeeze out the last couple bits of blue light.

I love the personal touches... nothing like having your own brand of wine.

The wine bottles and corks added a super personalized and great touch to the cocktail hour.

The ballroom was spectacular.


Nothing washes down cake like a delicious pineapple libation.

The photolounge was in the house... here are Leanne and Ted giving it a test run.

How adorable are these mini- fish and chips? Melissa tells me this is how they
wrap them up in the UK.

Amazing centerpieces by Stoneblossom.

Apple green and brown were Leanne's colors.

Getting ready for the big intros...

Ta Da! Mr and Mrs!!!!

A romantical first dance...

So sweet.

A couple of great toasts by our maid of honor and best man...

Ted's brothers...

We tried all day to get a couple of Snap! signature ring shots... but it never quite came together. Trish remembered toward the end of the evening and got not one, but two fantastic ring photos.

Not sure which I love better, but this one is pretty sweet.

I was busy minding the photolounge (and trust me, it needed A LOT of supervision).
Meanwhile sneaky Trish got these amazing photos... I think she's envisioning the last page in the album... that's her move after all.

Again, can't decide which... maybe the first one because the reflection of the lanterns on the wet stairs is so cool. Oh well, luckily I don't have to choose, that will be up to Ted and Leanne.
So cute.
I think it's safe to say it was a pretty magical evening.
We love witnessing the beginning of a new family!
Everyone danced into the wee hours... I think they were pretty sad to see it end.
Leanne and Ted- enjoy Aruba! Thanks for including us in such a beautiful day!
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