Jen and Mike at the Glen Manor Part 1

Posted by Mariah:
Behold, the "Ring of Dreams."
This is my second encounter with the ring of dreams... I had fun propping it up on a bagel during my photo shoot with Jen and Mike this spring. I also hung it from a lion knocker on the Brown campus. It was looking particularly sparkly on this day though and I thought it would look lovely nestled on this monogrammed handkerchief given to Jen by her mom.
Why the ring of dreams you ask?
According to Jen and Mike, Jen gave Mike significant input on the ring she wanted, dubbing it "the ring of dreams". No pressure here Mike! Mike had the ring designed for her in NYC. In the wee hours of a Saturday morning Mike tried to slip the ring on her finger while she slept...(as Jen says probably dreaming about the ring of dreams) and in her own words, "with the first touch of platinum awoke with an ecstatic squeal!"

Jen loves orange... it's her fav color. This fun orange bouquet is by Stoneblossom. I love the fiddleheads.

Bouquet for our lovely bridesmaids.

Someone's getting married....

I love this photo of Jen, 1/3 nervous + 2/3 excited = 1 really happy bride!

She looked like this all day... is this an expression of pure joy? I'd say so!

Fun with petticoats...

Here's Jen's mom helping her with the veil, such a sweet photo.

But this one is my fav, I'm just waiting for those two big fat tears to drip down her cheeks... crying for joy- now that's when you know you are really happy!

And why shouldn't she be? Look at the handsome bloke she's about to marry! Jen said she was most excited for the moment she would see Mike for the first time. She said she was almost more excited to see him in his custom made suit then for wearing her own dress! Interestingly, Mike said he was most nervous for the moment Jen would see him in his suit... she'd either love it or hate it. Why would he say that?

Ta da!!!! Mike is taking a risk here with the orange, but something tells me it's going to be a hit.

And now for the moment of truth...

A classic.

Yes! She loves it!

And she loves him.

And he loves her. Perfect.

B's were a theme for the day given that Jen and Mike's last names both begin with B.

B in love.

Before we jump into the photos... Mike and Jen give each other gifts, some beautiful cuff links for Mike....

...a necklace and earrings for Jen.

Got to have this one, a classic.

I love this photo. Just do.

This day seriously could not be more gorgeous and neither could our bride.

Mike agrees.

We decided to take a little walk down to the water... I heart you guys for doing the photos before the ceremony.

Mike and Jen have so much fun together, you can tell they are really best friends.

Looks like Katie's husband Don who is groundskeeper at the Glen has been very busy down by the water clearing spots for amazing photos. Thank you Don!!!

So pretty.

Time to head back for a few more photos with our bridal party and then it's ceremony time!

The whole gang.

Lovely ladies. Jen was a flower girl in the wedding of the father of the two gals on the right. How sweet is that?

Mike and the men, so handsome!

Stay tuned tomorrow, there's a lot more to come!
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