Emily and Joe at the Sullivan House on Block Island, Part One

Posted by Trish:

Another glorious day...feeling lucky here about the weather! After the summer we've had it could have gone either way...and the weekends before and after this it did!

I found this book this bookshelf at the Sullivan house, thought it was a fun backdrop for the rings...

The dress awaits...

How cute are these shoes, casual yet sassy!

Joe's girls were so excited for the wedding, it was really sweet.

Emily's aunt and sister helping with the gown.

Joe's favorite people...

Wow, Emily is such a classic beauty! Stunning!

One of a many amazing pieces that Emily's mom worked so hard on for the wedding!

A beautiful bouquet by Mums

All the ladies. They each wore a necklace that looked like coral with pearls in between, so lovely!

Another WOW bouquet!

The men were all ready to go...

It took everything for me not to squeeze this little guy, isn't he the cutest!

Not too shabby!

Another handmade item, there must have been quite the assembly line for starfish gluing!

The nerves are really going now...not me, probably more for Joe.

Finally the big moment, I asked her Dad is he was shell shocked and he said yes without hesitation! All the planning for so long and then it actually happens, it's kind of surreal...

What an amazing day we got!

Emily's sister was such a good MOH, holding the parasol over Emily during the ceremony to shade her from the sun, which was hot!

It's official now!

Such big smiles, probably of relief and excitement at the same time! The ceremony is always the hardest part.

Now I shall whisk them away in the bridal Jeep for some photos around the Island....

First stop is at a nature preserve a few miles up the road.

It's just so Block Island, if you have not been there it's hard to explain, if you have you know the feeling.

How great is this parasol with their wedding log hand painted on it, another details brought to you by Emily's mom!

Working it!

Then we had to stop and jump out to get some more photos with the stone wall...

So on the way over in the morning I stopped at this house and asked the owner if I might come by later on in the way with my wedding couple to get some photos in front of her fun little boat house shack thing. Luckily she said yes.

I just loved the texture, very Block Island feeling.

And even better, a little sun flare to make it perfect.

So romantic!

They were so great, doing whatever I proposed for photos. But I think that they were enjoying the time together, the rest of the day is with lots and lots of people!

It's the Kennedys...don't they kind of look like them?!

Always time for some smooching....

Part two tomorrow...check back!
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