Andrea and Zimiri at the Glen Manor Part 2

Posted by Melissa:

Here's our wedding party! Just Andrea's sis, Ashley, and Zimiri's bro, David. And of course Jennifer, our lovely flowergirl.

I love this shot! Just not sure if they are laughing with me or at me.

How fun is this!?

More beautiful flower photos.

Jumping! It's fun to do photos with a small wedding party!

How about that light? I love it!

Might be my favorite of the day

On our way to the water

Married!! Woo Hoo!

I never go all the way out to the end of the bridge. People are usually down there fishing. No one was there so we took advantage of it.

They are cute!

Another fave

OK, I love the square tables! And the brown table cloths, pink napkins and green seat cushions! Great color scheme!

Check out this cake by Confections! Andrea was in love with it! I don't blame her.

Beautiful centerpieces by Snapdragons

Our lovely couple has their first dance

Andrea told me "Make sure you get a photo of my marshmallows. They have our initials on it!" CHECK! They look pretty yummy!

Andrea and Zimiri wanted a photo of them in the window of the Glen. We ended up doing it after dark. This is a new move for me and I like it.

Another moody night time shot

It was a full moon! Does that mean the wack-a-doos were out? Maybe that's why the fire alarm kept going off!

I love it when the room has some extra lighting. Gives it an extra little something.

It's time to party! Nothing says party like a bride with a tambourine!

They are attacking my Andrea with their dancing!

A good time was had by all (including me)

The end of the last song. Looking at this photo I think it's safe to say that people had an awesome time and everyone is so happy for Andrea and Zimiri

Friends and Family, want to see the rest of the photos when they are ready? Click here

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