Joanne and Alex in Sunny San Diego... Photos by Mariah Part 1

Alex is my brother- he's ten years younger! I have always thought of him as a cute but somewhat pesky little brother. Because there's so many years between us... we grew up sort of separately (although I got in my fair share of torturing him while I could.) Alex joined the Marines a few years ago and since then he's traveled all over the world... I haven't seen him much in that time- he's been so far away and I've been busy snapping it up and being a mom.
Alex called a month or so ago to tell us that the next time he came home to visit he and Joanne would be married. Well, that didn't go over so well with the matriarch of our family, my mom (or Wren as we like to call her). After a few tears and some discussion... it was decided that they'd have a small wedding for friends and family. Of course I would have to be there to see my little brother get married! Joanne is from the Philippines, but she has some family in California... and her mom was trying to get a visa to come for the wedding too...
None of the us had met Joanne...but over the next few weeks we chatted on the phone and exchanged emails and tried to help her plan a wedding all by herself from another coast!
Need a photographer? Check!
These are Joanne's fabulous- and lethal wedding shoes. She drove from San Diego to LA to buy them... Alex says she has a closet full of high heels, she's really girly.
Did Joanne forget to arrange for a ride to the chapel or is she trying to run away from Alex? Neither! She's just clowning around a little before we go...
Isn't she cute in her short dress? This is just one of her wedding gowns! Her mom sent the first gown from the Philippines, Joanne thought it might be bad luck to try it on, so she didn't (until the Tuesday before the wedding!) It was a little too snug...She called her mom, who went out and bought another- this one. Now that's trust!

Here's Alex. I'm pretty sure that my mom is going to cry when she sees this one.
He looks a little bit like me doesn't he?

So cute! Alex is waiting anxiously.

That's Chuck the best man in the background... FYI Chuck was the BEST bestman ever!
Joanne was about to come down the aisle and he leaned over an said, "Look down the aisle buddy, this is what it's all about."
Cue the goosebumps!


Tying the knot.

Sealing the deal!

They did it!

I LOVE this photo! How adorable is she working it? Everyone should have a photo like this.


It was so nice to see how natural and sweet Alex and Joanne are together- totally comfortable and relaxed.

Joanne told us a funny story about how Alex had a lot of admirers when she first met him. It's pretty clear that he only has eyes for her though. Who could blame him?

That's my mom and dad. I think my mom can't believe her baby is married. I know she's excited he chose Joanne .

Alex was the kind of kid that always opened the door for my mom and was sweet and thoughtful to her. He never went through that phase where it wasn't cool to kiss her in front of his friends. I think he's going to make an awesome husband.

Joanne's mom made it! She got her visa and flew from the Philippines just in time... her plane arrived on Friday. She looks so gorgeous for just having travelled all that way!

Here's the whole Ashley clan. Yours truly last on the left. My fabulous brother in law Sparky is taking the photo (sorry you're not in it Sparks). You can see him in Part 2 of the wedding. He's pretty cute, it will be worth checking back in!

A little snuggling on the bench before we head for the beach! Yes, the beach in January- life is good!

It's too much really, all the cuteness.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we all travel to La Jolla for fun beachy pics and a fabulous little reception on the ocean...

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