Joanne and Alex in San Diego Part 2

I felt so bad for Trish and Melissa being back at the office in cold grey Rhode Island while I frolicked on the beach with my camera in sunny So-Cal. NOT! HA!
Joanne and Alex had their reception in La Jolla (gorgeous!) this is the beach that the Inn overlooks. Joanne loves the beach, and the seals that like to lay around doing yoga moves nearby (more of them in a little while...)

The beach here is so different then the beaches at home, much more rugged. I love all the large rocks in the background.

Here's Alex doing handsome man posing- I didn't have to give him much instruction- he oozes cool (older sister being sarcastic). Seriously though, thinking of my brother as handsome is a little yucky- but he is pretty cute.

Alex is also a good dipper.
Groom Tip: When you are dipping the bride in photos or even during your dance... dip her toward the camera- not away from it, it's a much better picture.

I love this little portrait of Joanne.

Shoes are confusing I guess.

Here's me and my bro. I wanted him to jump for a wedding party photo- remember how I said he oozes cool? Well, apparently he was too cool for jumping because he wouldn't do it. Here's me attempting to show him how it's done. He wasn't convinced.

Pretty dramatic.

Here's the seals! They don't do much but laying, yawning and stretching. Sounds like my kind of afternoon, minus all the people gawking at me while I do it.

The photo on my left is probably my favorite pic from the weekend. It has such a sweet and quiet feeling.

More nature... this time pelicans. Maybe this was a risky photo to take?!

My two sisters (Mandy & Karla) and super-brother in law (Sparky) hanging out while we finish up the pics... think they'll rescue me if the seals decide to attack?

Just what a good husband should be doing after a walk on the beach with his bride.
(Groom Tip #2)

The view! Do I have to go back to Providence tomorrow morning?

Joanne makes a quick change into gown #2 for their big entrance.

This is Roma, Joannes best friend and maid of honor. They grew up together and now both live in California. Roma is getting married in August (Congratulations!)

Joanne and her aunties & mom. Aren't they all so beautiful?

The cutest little cake ever- and it was sooo delicious. It was chocolate with mocha mousse filling and some kind of crunchy little toffee bits on the inside. YUM!

No smashing here... I think that's a good sign.

Well, that was my adventure to San Diego and the excellent wedding of my brother and sweetie, the new Mrs. Ashley. I had such a good time and was so grateful that I was able to go and to snap away some fun photos for them.
I just have to say Alex, that I am so impressed with you. I kid when I make jokes about you being my pesky little bother because while you've been gone in the military you have really grown into a man that we are all so proud of. You picked a loving and genuine girl to marry and I know that you will be a great partner for her because you have all of those same qualities.
Congratulations, we all love you so much!
xoxoxoxoxoxo Ria

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