MISS INDONESIA 2011 CONTESTANT - Yoanna Yeremiah O's Photo & Profile/Biography

: Yohana Yeremia O
: October 16, 1987
: 24 Years
: 165 cm
: 45 Kg
Currently ideals Modeling School teacher has been achieved, namely Miss the ambassador of Indonesia to represent his province of Central Sulawesi. Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anggerina Yopie is thought that Miss Indonesia is the ideal female figure insightful, look good and certainly behave politely. With her determination to represent the province, the girl who was born on October 16, 1987 was always doing her best in order to achieve its objectives. In addition to representing the provinces, participation in the Miss Indonesia 2011 is for both parents happy with the achievements.

source: (Thank you and credits to
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