Newport Wedding Photography, Jillian + Kevin's Photodate

Postec by Mariah:

The countdown is on! Jillian and Kevin met me in Newport on Friday the 24th... 2 weeks to go until their wedding at Rosecliff. They had spent the day running around to all of their appointments in Newport and Bristol... and by 7pm they were still suprisingly chipper. I think they just happen to be nice people!
Jillian has vericality issues, and by that I mean she's short.
Good things defenitley come in wee little packages. How cute is she?

How about thathose long gorgeous locks too?

My fav pic! They are so relaxed, they might just zonk out.

Who says that Kevin is not one for PDA? I beg to differ...

I love this one too. We were at the beach at the PERFECT time of night.

Next stop... thrid beach. Once I was yelled at by a dishelved crazy guy at this spot who said I was trespassing. Pish posh! J + K have got my back just in case though...

Jillian is a social worker at a highschool in the Bronx! Kevin is in finance... they are nicely balanced.

A portrait of each for their respective desks... awh.

The night just kept getting prettier and prettier.

I think Kevin might have even been enjoying himself at this point!

And of course- ba-bling!

J+K- it was so great to finally meet you! I'm happy I won't be a stranger on the wedding day. See you in a couple weeks! xoxo Mariah

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