Providence Wedding Photography, Mellissa + Randy

Randy and Mellissa (2 L's to S's!) are getting married this July at Oceancliff and I am very excited to be a part of there day. They wanted to meet me in Providence for their photodate because it's one of their favorite places to hang out together. I picked out a few spots that I thought had a fun Providence "feel".

R + M had spent the beginning of the day running wedding errands and getting their marriage licence (woo-hoo) so they were in romance mode already!

I think Randy might have been a little nervous at first, but once he figured out that he was going to be getting a lot of smooches, he was all about it!

This might be my fav street in Providence, though it's hard to choose there are so many picturesque spots.

A little portrait of the lovely Mellissa.

And, let's not forget the handsome groom.

Pretty cute couple I'd say. They look like a mr and mrs don't they?

Sparkly peepers.

Here's a fun little shot.

I love you Providence!
R + M are going to Italy's Amalfi Coast on their honeymoon. Jealous!
I lectured them on the importance of taking lots of photos. They love photos but don't always remember to actually take them- bad! bad!

Our next location on the waterfront...still Providence!

When I asked them to lay in the grass, Mellissa promised to buy Randy a drink when we were done. Hey, I'm not above bribery... whatever it takes to get the shot. Just ask my kids!

Ooooh, artsy undisclosed urban location!

Romantical it.

And the coup de la gras... sparkle city! Love me a ring shot!

R+L - it was so fun to drive you around Providence, sorry for all the honking from the drivers annoyed by my slow and/or bad driving. It's hard to scout locations without pissing a few people off, but it's like I said... anything for the photos. See you one month from today! Hurray!

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