Dish with Trish

We were just saying the other day that we are feeling so lucky to have all of these great clients who really value and appreciate the photography for their wedding. It's not the most important thing to all couples, but of course we think it's the most important thing...why?

The obvious reason is that after spending so much time and money on your day you should have a fabulous set of photos to remember it all by! We believe in it and are passionate about it, luckily we can have a career doing it!

But the other reason is that your wedding album becomes a family heirloom. The photo paper that the images are printed on in the album are guaranteed for 200+ years, and it probably gets longer as they improve paper and technology every year! So this 'snapshot' of you and your family at this time becomes part of the family history to be appreciated by all who follow you.

I am lucky enough to have photos of my great, grandparents, grandparents and parents of their wedding days and I thought it would be fun to share here...

This is Sarah and Francesco, my maternal grandfather's parents. She immigrated from England and he from Italy, they had 6 children, one of which was my grandfather.

These are my maternal grandmother's parents, Bernice and Orva-Austin (O.A.), don't you love his hair! They lived on a farm in Pennington New Jersey and my grandmother was the oldest of 9!

These are my mom's parents, Bob and Paula...the best grandparents ever! They were married August 16th and my grandmother loved to tell the story of their wedding day, which was supposed to be the 17th, but they realized that the announcements they sent out said the 16th! So they called the Justice of the Peace and went to his house and were married that afternoon, just the mothers were present. Apparently it was an extremely hot day in St. Louis.

So here are my parents, aren't they adorable?! They were married in June at my grandparents house in Hull, MA. My uncle Frank was the official photographer and like me he snapped a gazillion photos, although there are not really any 'formal' shots. But I love this one which has both sets of my grandparents and my aunt and uncle who were the best man and maid of honor.

My most favorite thing about this photo really is that my Dad is smiling and exposing the fact that he was missing on of his front teeth which was knocked out during a hockey game. He had a serious dentist phobia so I'm guessing that's why he didn't get it fixed before the wedding, I'd love to know what my grandparents were thinking!

Who are these young and fresh looking people??? Oh, it's me and my honey Jim, barely recognizable, Jim looks particularly young! I have given him quite a bit of gray hair over the last 12 years, although now he finally looks older than 15!!! We were married at my mother's house on Cape Cod also on August 16th like my grandparents and it was also a sweltering hot day.

I spent most of my (small) budget on photography, of course! I love to look through my album periodically and now my son enjoys looking at it too, it's fun to show him all of the people that are not with us any longer and for him to see what we all looked like then. He wants to know where he was that day...
I hope you enjoyed my family photos and I look forward to being a part of creating yours!
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