Dish With Trish

Flood Watch:

It's so weird how things happen sometimes...I am having my hardwood floors refinished at my house which is very exciting. We recently decided that we had to have the ceilings done because they were all peeling and then we thought maybe we should paint the walls too and then it became obvious that while we had already cleared all the furniture we should just go ahead and do the floors too. Awesome.

So while they do the floors and then they dry we had to be out of the house for the week. We went to stay for the week at the Marriott in Warwick near the airport, glamorous -no, functional -yes! Meanwhile the rain continued all day yesterday and things were flooding like crazy.

We looked out the hotel window last night and realized that they had closed the road to the airport and route 95! it was so quiet! and actually really creepy. My husband referenced the book The World Without Us and some Armageddon type things, not comforting.

When we woke up this morning we realized that 95 was still closed going both ways and that all of the traffic traveling south was being diverted right through where we were staying and that it was going to take forever to get up to Providence and that getting back to the hotel in the evening was going to be near impossible...turns out that we were basically staying in the hardest hit area, so now we are booked at the Hampton Inn far from the major flooding! But I know that there are so many people who have had to evacuate their homes and have lost so much, so I feel very fortunate that I only had this crazy story to tell...

This is the view from the parking lot right outside our room, well maybe it is a little glamorous...This is what they call the airport connector, this road goes to and from the airport and exits off route 95! You can see a little bit of the guard rail sticking out, this is on the side of the road, there is another set of guard rails in the center of the road too and they are completely under water! I wonder how long this will take to drain out???

A reporter said on the news last night "history is happening now" which I thought was hysterical and I will say it as much as possible from now on. But it inspired me to make this little vintage panorama to depict the 'history' of the flood of 2010, worse than any other flood in over 100 years, maybe more.

This is another view from the other side of the hotel that shows route 95 totally under water as well. Both north and south lanes travel under the little bridge shown here. In front of the geese is an on ramp and beyond them in the 95 south lanes, then you see the jersey barrier and the north lanes are under the sign. Nuts!!!

(BTW photos are from my point and shoot camera, and this is exactly the reason I always have a little camera in my purse, you never know! now I don't have to wish I got a shot of the highway that time it was flooded and I was there to see it...)
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