A Moment with Melissa... No. 1

I'm up! I guess it's my turn to tell you a little bit about me, Melissa, in my first ever Moment with Melissa blog post. A Moment with Melissa... Sounds romantic! I'm sad to say that I have little to report. Nothing really going on with me these days. Let me try and think here... What have I been up to?

Well, I picked up my vitamins yesterday.

What else? Went shopping for some new clothes.

Ended up buying some doo dads for the house...

I'm a big reader! Love to read! I was leafing through some old books I have...

I also got some new books for my 3 year old daughter, Zoe!

I guess there is ONE thing going on with me - I'm pregnant! Duh! My husband and I are be expecting a new family member this March. I can't believe in two months we will be a family of four! Sometimes I look at Zoe and I'm just overcome with emotion - love, happiness, amazement. To me she's the most perfect thing in the world. To think that coming up very soon there will be another little person who will make me feel that way. And it all happens in a snap! (no pun intended). Pretty amazing!

Here's the little bugger when I was three months along. Sort of looks like it has flippers!

Here he (or she) is 7 months along! This one freaks me out because it looks like a deformed puppet of Jay Leno! Please don't let my baby look like a deformed puppet of Jay Leno! Look at the pointy chin and big puffy cheeks. My husband assures me that all ultrasound photos look strange. Regardless I'm not watching Jay Leno's talk show (I like Conan better anyway)

Another thing about the above photo - it is a cruel joke that it is being held up by a sushi magnet! I'm not supposed to eat sushi while I'm pregnant. It's my favorite food! Makes me very sad...

There has been an outbreak of former snap clients getting pregnant!! Congrats to all the past snappers now turned future moms! Anyone else sad about sushi?

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