Mariah and Trish Photograph the Kalif Family!

Posted by Mariah:

Back in 2007 Trish and I photographed the lovely Dana and Kyle... and consequently Dana's slightly pregnant bridesmaid named Julie. Little did Julie know what was cooking in her belly... not one beautiful little baby but three! Dana called us a few weeks ago wondering if we would like to photograph the Kalifs... one set of parents, one set of one year old triplets, a precocious three year old and a 120 pound pit bull mix named Cesar. Of course we would! The snap girls are up for anything...

The babies were all dressed and ready for their snap debut when we arrived.

Meet Zack, Sarah and Ben...

Yes, that is my hand around Zack, but I swear I did not push that baby down. Things are starting to take a turn for the worse here...

Generally I am not gaga for babies... I know, I know... I am a horrible person. But, something about this little face has melted my heart of stone. I have fallen absolutely head of heels in baby love with Ben.

Sarah has no trouble holding her own between her two brothers. She does however find it completely annoying when her knees get caught on her dress while she's crawling.

I think Ben might be flirting with me.

Sarah is embarrassed by this brazen display.

Meet Jake! 3 year old big brother extraordinaire! Isn't he gorgeous?

I am making a break for it with Ben- but Trish caught up with me and told me it isn't nice to steal other people's babies. WAH.

We decided to move the party outside because Zack wasn't really "feeling it" inside.

Sarah looks happier too.

Now Zack is in his element!

Scale of cuteness on a scale of 1 to 10- 50!

Meanwhile Jake is charming Trish by showing her his "construction site".

That's some sweet hot wheels action right there.

Jake is demonstrating his photo skills with his camera phone.

All boy.

So, what are the chances of getting a photo of the whole family together?

Hmmm, still not quite right.

A- ha! And they said it couldn't be done!

Julie and Steven are the calmest, funniest, most laid back pair. My favorite part about the whole experience was listening to Steven in the background laughing at the antics of his whacky brood. What a great dad! Julie is just the cutest mom and she is doing an awesome job- oh and did I mention she works full time as a teacher too?! What?!

These next three photos are what it's all about- I am so impressed with the Kalifs for raising such sweet and happy kids, it takes special people to do what they are doing!

Can't get enough of Zack, and he can't get enough of this ball.

Trish's suggestion for a pose- Love it!

Here is my shot of beautiful Sarah...

and here's me taking it!

Got to get right in there to get the right angle!

Dueling photographers... my shot of Trish-

...and her shot of me. Cesar thought my lap looked pretty comfortable so he just came over and plopped right down. The Kalif's rescued Cesar when he was 4 years old. I know pitbulls can get a bad wrap- but seriously this is the nicest dog I have ever met. He is so gentle and so cute with the babies and really just wants you to love him.

Ceasar being regal.

The last shot I snagged on the way out... pretty much sums it up...

We had the best time with you guys! Thank you for inviting us into your home and being so darn adorable. I know Ben isn't going to remember me... but I sure won't forget him!

xoxoxox Trish & Mariah

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