Lesley and Brett in NYC!

Since we ended our last session in Central Park... it was the perfect place to start our photodate with Lesley and Brett. Trish and I had a nice lunch and relaxed while waiting for a call from Lesley- and lo and behold- sunshine! Trish and I came really close to calling off our weekend in NYC because of the forecast, but wanted to give it a try because Lesley and Brett are getting married on June 14th and this was their only chance for a photodate. We knew we'd hate ourselves if it ended up being an okay day... we never would have guessed we'd get blue skies!

Brett was really happy to show us all his favorite spots in the park, and it was fun to have him as a tour guide. This is a small amphitheater.
Lesley wore sunshiney yellow to conjure the sun and it worked. She's pretty sunshiney on the inside too.

Brett also loves the "Mall," this cool path with a tree canopy. We took a lot of pics here, some with people, some without and some showing a wider perspective. I love this closer shot because of the T shirts.
I heart NY too.

Lesley and Brett are madly in love- it's pretty great.

This shot is one of my fav's.

This one too- it looks like a summer day. The sun was so bright it made Lesley's eyes water- so we said... "just close them" voila... romantical.

L & B at Belvedere castle, another one of Brett's favorite spots, it was a little bit of a hike to get here but totally worth it. I felt justified in my cheeseburger and fries lunch after this walk!

Lesley's ring is absolutely stunning. Nice job Brett...

I forget which building this is... Brett? (Oh, the Met)

The public library... we are really getting around!

Relaxing outside on the steps of the library.

Lesley and Brett love the lions- I am crazy for the tulips...

Strolling around the city...

Last stop on our big tour was Grand Central- of course we need to get a shot with the famous clock in the background.

These guys are so good with the natural poses- I can't wait to see them in their wedding garb!

Trish being artsy here...

So romantic. I know we are just here for a photoshoot- but really what's better than meeting the one you love at the airport or train station after they've been away for a while?

Lesley and Brett- I am so glad it all worked out. I am excited for the 14th! Just a few more weeks... we are going to have a blast. Thanks for showing us a fun time in NYC.

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